What percentage has been eaten? What percentage is left? (WP-34: Percentage %)

Q. In a basket out of 150 oranges, 15 are eaten. What percentage has been eaten? What percentage is left?

Steps for solving: (Hints)  

Step 1: Divide 150 to 15 m 
Step 2: Multiply the result by 100 % and simplify to obtain quantity in percentage. 
Step 3: Place the sign of percentage after the result. 


Total oranges = 150

Oranges eaten = 15

Percentage of oranges eaten = ?

Percentage of oranges left = ?

Percentage of oranges eaten (15 out of 150) 

`\frac {15}{150}`x100 10 % ----------Ans. 1

Oranges left = Total oranges - oranges eaten = 150 - 15 = 135

Percentage of oranges left 

`\frac {135}{150}`x100 = 90 % ----------Ans. 2

or (2nd method) 

Percentage of oranges left = 100 % - Percentage of oranges eaten 100 % - 10 % = 90 % ----------Ans. 2

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