To Find the S.P on selling an item when the Profit percent and C.P are known (WP-29: Profit and Loss)

Q. A shop keeper bought two articles costing Rs. 1500 each and sold them at a profit of 5%. Find sale price.


C.P = Rs. 1500

Profit = 5%

Since profit or loss is determined on C.P, so

Profit =5% of Rs. 1500 = `frac {5}{100}times Rs. 1500` = Rs. 75


Profit = S.P - C.P


S.P = Profit + C.P = Rs. 75 + Rs. 1500 

S.P = Rs. 1575 ------Ans.

Similar Question:

Kanwal bought an iron for Rs. 1000 and got a profit of Rs. 200. Find profit percent and sale price. 

Find sale price if C.P = Rs. 300, loss = 10%

A motorcycle was bought for Rs. 48,000 and was sold at a profit of 6%. Find sale price.


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