Comparison of Two Quantities by Percentage (WP-27: Percentage %)

Which is smaller 

20 % of 80 or 12% of 60

{Hint: We will convert both the quantities into parentage and after then we will compare} 


20% of 80 = `\frac {20}{100}`x80 = 16

12% of 60 = `\frac {12}{100}`x60 = 7.2

As 7.2  < 16


12% of 60 is Smaller than 20% of 80

Similar Question:

Which is greater
Rs. 10 out of Rs. 50 or Rs. 20 out of Rs. 80

Which is greater
70 marks out of 80 marks or  44 marks out of 50 marks

Which is greater
16 m out of 60 m or 5 m out of 20 m

Which is smaller
10 % of 50 or 25% of 100


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2. Website for School and College Level Mathematics  
3. Website for Single National Curriculum Pakistan - All Subjects Notes 

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