Class 8 Mathematics Notes , Exercise 1.1, Unit-1, Real Numbers (National Book Foundation as Federal Text Board Islamabad for National Curriculum 2022 and onwards)

Class: 8th

Unit-1: Real Numbers



1. Separate rational and irrational numbers in the following.

(i)      `\sqrt {9}`            (ii)    12             (iii)    `\frac {5}{9}`           (iv)    `\sqrt {8}`   
(v)    `\sqrt {100}`          (vi)    `\frac {13}{2}`            (vii)    `\sqrt {126}`       (viii)    `\frac {25}{9}`
(ix)    `\sqrt {169}`         (x)    `\sqrt {26}`

Hint: Rational numbers are terminating OR non-terminating and recurring decimals.

Hint: Irrational numbers are non-terminating and non-recurring decimals. 


Rational Numbers:

(i)      `\sqrt {9}` = 3 (Terminating decimal)

(ii)    12  (Terminating decimal)

(iii)    `\frac {5}{9}` = 0.5555......... (non-terminating and recurring decimal)

(v)    `\sqrt {100}` = 10 (Terminating decimal)

(vi)    `\frac {13}{2}` = 6.5 (Terminating decimal)

(viii)    `\frac {25}{9}` = 2.7777777...........  (non-terminating and recurring decimal)

(ix)    `\sqrt {169}` = 13 (Terminating decimal) 

Irrational Numbers:

(iv)    `\sqrt {8}` = 2.828427....... (non-terminating and non-recurring decimal)

(vii)    `\sqrt {126}` = 11.22497........ (non-terminating and non-recurring decimal)

(x)    `\sqrt {26}` = 5.09901..........(non-terminating and non-recurring decimal)


2. Write the following in decimal form and state which of them are terminating and non-terminating decimals.

(i)      `\frac {4}{9}`         (ii)    `\frac {13}{20}`            (iii)    `\frac {1}{6}`           (iv)    `\frac {7}{3}`  
(v)    `\frac {9}{8}`          (vi)    `\frac {13}{8}`            (vii)    `\frac {11}{15}`       (viii)    `\frac {7}{11}`

Hint: The decimal fraction in which there are finite number of digits in its decimal part is called terminating decimal fraction

Hint: The decimal fraction in which there are infinite number of digits in its decimal part (ie. the digits in decimal parts are never ending) is called non-terminating decimal fraction. 


(i)      `\frac {4}{9}` = 0.44444.............. (Non-Terminating decimal) 

(ii)    `\frac {13}{20}` = 0.65 (Terminating decimal) 

(iii)    `\frac {1}{6}` = 0.1666666........(Non-Terminating decimal) 

(iv)    `\frac {7}{3}` = 2.3333333...... (Non-Terminating decimal) 
(v)    `\frac {9}{8}` = 1.125 (Terminating decimal) 

(vi)    `\frac {13}{8}` = 1.625 (Terminating decimal) 

(vii)    `\frac {11}{15}` = 0.733333....... (Non-Terminating decimal) 

(viii)    `\frac {7}{11}` = 0.636363.........(Non-Terminating decimal) 


3. Name the types of the following fractions. State whether they are rational or irrational.

(i)      1.2578                     (ii)    0.33333....... 
(iii)    1.3414213662........     (iv)    5.142857142857.....  
(v)    2.236067977.....          (vi)    4.36363636.....
(viii)    4.123105626.....              


(i)  1.2578 (Terminating fraction) -- Rational Number

(ii)  0.33333....... (non-terminating and recurring fraction-- Rational Number

(iii)  1.3414213662........(non-terminating and non-recurring fraction-- Irrational Number

(iv)  5.142857142857..... (non-terminating and recurring fraction) -- Rational Number

(v)  2.236067977.....(non-terminating and non-recurring fraction-- Irrational Number

(vi)  4.36363636.....(non-terminating and recurring fraction-- Rational Number

(viii)    4.123105626..... (non-terminating and non-recurring fraction-- Irrational Number



4. Ismah uses `\frac {1}{4}` of her monthly pay checque on utility bills and `\frac {1}{10}` of remaining for savings. If her last cheque was 6000.80. How much did she put in savings?           


Monthly Pay Cheque : Rs. 6000.80

Utility Bills = `\frac {1}{4}` of  Rs. 6000.80

Utility Bills = `\frac {1}{4}` x  Rs. 6000.80

Utility Bills = Rs. 1500.2

Remaining Pay = Rs, 6000.80 - Rs. 1500.2 = Rs. 4500.6

Savings = `\frac {1}{10}` of  Rs. 4500.6

Savings = `\frac {1}{10}` x  Rs. 4500.6

Savings = Rs, 450.06   ----------------Ans.


5. Raiqa is decorating for a birthday party and she purchase 20.7 feet of purple ribbon. She plans to use `frac {1}{3}` of the ribbon in the drawing room and `frac {1}{2}` of remaining in dinning room. How much ribbon will she have left over.


Length of the purple ribbon : 20.7 feet

To use in drawing room = `\frac {1}{3}` of 20.7 feet

To use in drawing room = `\frac {1}{3}` x 20.7 feet

To use in drawing room = 6.9 feet

Remaining ribbon = Total length - To use in drawing room
Remaining ribbon = 20.7 feet - 6.9 feet 
Remaining ribbon = 13.8 feet

To use in dinning room of the remaining = `\frac {1}{2}` of 13.8 feet

To use in dinning room of remaining = `\frac {1}{2}` x 13.8 feet

To use in dinning room = 6.9 feet

Ribbon left over with her = Remaining after using in drawing room - using in dinning room

Ribbon left over with her 13.6 feet - 6.9 feet 
Ribbon left over with her = 6.9 feet------Ans.


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