What is Zakat in Islam? What is Zakat Rate in Islam? and Real Life Word problems on Zakat with Verified Solutions

Zakat and Ushr:

Zakat and Ushr are levied as ordered in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. These are not only taxes for the Muslims but are also acts of worship. Let us discuss them one by one.


Zakat is an Islamic tax ordered by Almighty Allah which is paid on the wealth which remains with a person for a complete year. Islam has fixed its rate, which is 2.5%. Nisab (minimum limit of wealth that attracts liability of Zakat) in the case of gold is 7.5 tolas and in the case of silver is 52.5 tolas.

Following are the Real-Life Word Problems on Zakat solved in a proper and easy method with verified answers.

Candidates seeking admission to PAF or Military Colleges, School Students, OR Job seeking Candidates can prepare themselves for achieving the best score in their entry tests or academic Examination.  

Word Problem No. 1:  

Calculate the amount payable as Zakat by Haleem who saves Rs.949,000 for one year. (Ans. Rs. 23,725 )

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Word Problem No. 2: 

Find the wealth of Ibrahim if he paid Rs.7,500 as Zakat. (Ans. Rs.300,000)

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Word Problem No. 3:  

An amount of Rs.62,480 remained with Nosheen for a complete year. How much Zakat will she pay?  (Ans. Rs.1,562 )

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Word Problem No. 4: 

Saba paid Rs.2,250 as Zakat. What is the worth of her wealth? (Ans. Rs. 90,000)

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Word Problem No. 5:  

Nadeem paid Rs.6,075 as Zakat. How much wealth did he have?  (AnsRs.243,000 )

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Word Problem No. 6: 

Shama's annual saving is Rs. 222,000. What is the amount of  Zakat to be paid by her? (Ans. Rs. 5,550  )

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Word Problem No. 7:  

Komal saves Rs.96,000 in a year. How much will she pay as Zakat? (Ans. Rs. 2,400)

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Word Problem No. 8:  

Find the amount of zakat payable on Rs. 7500 at the rate if 2`\frac {1}{2}`%. (Ans. 187.50

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Word Problem No. 9:  

A Muslim  paid Rs. 312.50 as zakat at the rate 2`\frac {1}{2}`%. What is the total value of his assets? (Ans. Rs. 12500)

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Word Problem No. 10:  

Kamal-ud-Din has to pay zakat on Rs.74,000. If the rate of zakat 2`\frac {1}{2}`% then how much Zakat will he pay? (Ans. Rs. 1850)

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Word Problem No. 11:  

What amount of zakat will be paid by Sharif-ud-Din on Rs. 19,500. If the rate of zakat is 2`\frac {1}{2}`%. (Ans. Rs. 487.50)

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Word Problem No. 12:  

Calculate amount of zakat payable on Rs. 60,850 (Ans. Rs. 1271.25)

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Word Problem No. 13:  

If Rs. 750 are paid as zakat. Calculate the total amount on which zakat is paid. (Ans. Rs. 30,000)

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Word Problem No. 14:  

Anwar Ali paid Rs. 1275 as zakat. Calculate the principal amount on which he paid zakat.  (Ans. Rs. 51,000)

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